Lost arcade games forum

Canclled arcade game?User:CosmicPineapple87 2:28 PM, 4/16/2002
I think I found an abandoned/cancelled arcade game at my local thrift store? Does anyone recognize this?

Canclled arcade game?User:bytemyshynymetylass 12:06 PM, 4/17/2002
Yup, sound like something for this forum. The image is a little low quality, so let our time-wasters look into it... #rezource

Canclled arcade game?User:rezource 1:03 PM, 4/17/2002
one- #!@$ you #bytemyshynymetylass. two- that is an old arcade game from 1996 called "2D Edition" i dont know why its called that but you need to get that because it is FULLY lost to time and a look at or inside it would help so much.

Canclled arcade game?User:CosmicPineapple 9:12 AM, 4/18/2002
Well, I went back to buy it and it was gone. Owner says someone came and picked it up, saying they were gonna put it in their shed? What do I do now?

Canclled arcade game?User:orbWonderer 3:26 AM, 4/20/2002
That would be me who took it, #CosmicPineapple87. My family owned the arcade that game was being made and it's illegal to emulate or upload, just so you know.

Canclled arcade game?User:bytemyshynymetylass 10:00 AM, 4/21/2002
Well boys, looks like that's that. Our only hope is that someone breaks into the shed... JK!!

Canclled arcade game?User:CosmicPineapple87 12:06 PM, 4/21/2002
that gives me an idea
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